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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Must Have App - "YouTube Floating Player"

 Have you ever wanted to watch a YouTube video while you were doing something else on your Android phone or tablet? Well, there happens to be many apps in the Play Store that can do this.

I've tried out a few YouTube floating video apps, and like this one the best. The advantage this one has on others I've tried is that I can log into my YouTube account and access my playlists and videos. Maybe there's another out there that does so as well (please let me know if you have found one) but I couldn't find one.

What's cool about all apps of this type is they give you a resizable floating video, allowing you to launch other apps all the while still enjoying your video!

                                   Click here to download YouTube Floating Player from Play

 It's available for free in Play. It does have a few little quirks - it can be a little jumpy when re-sizing a video, and when switching to the floating window the large main page of the video does not close automatically. Also, whenever you move the popped-out video on your screen, there is a huge pause symbol that appears on top of the video along with the timeline slider at the bottom that stays there a few seconds too long. I've brought things to the dev's attention and hopefully they will be addressed.

 The UI is pretty simple and straight-forward. Upon launch, it resembles much of the official YouTube app in terms of layout. Once you load your selected video, you simply tap the "pop out" icon in the upper right-hand corner -

 Once the video is popped out, you can do other things, and it floats on top. Here I'm checking out my Google Plus stream while viewing a video by "The Collective" -
 As mentioned, you can drag the video all over the screen and leave it where you like! Or, you can simply close it.

 Like I said, I tried out a few of these before landing on this one. All of them share the same basic pop out and drag capability but this was the only one I could find that actually allowed me to log into my YouTube account and access my videos / playlists. If you happen to know of another that does, please feel free to let me know and I'll check it out!

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