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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Featured App - Timehop

 Both Facebook and Google Plus have given us reviews of our past activity. Google Plus was first with it's Year In Review offering, with Facebook following suit with a bit more vast review of your entire Facebook experience. Twitter recently joined in (somewhat) by giving us the ability to see our first tweets.

   Day by day on the Google home screen we get "today in history" lessons from their Doodles - some cool, some funny, and some are actually interactive games. Wouldn't it be cool if you had a way to see the same type of "today in history", but have it be about you?

   Now you can with a cool little app called Timehop! Timehop brings together your posts and photos from Facebook (Facebook is required to log in at the moment), Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare from 1, 2, 3 and 4 years ago today. It also displays pictures that are stored on your device from the corresponding day, provided you still have them on your device. Thus, every day you get your very own 'today in history" about yourself! Also, at the very bottom of your daily display, Timehop also provides you with a Google-type "today in history" (for example - at the time of this post, Timehop is informing me that 15 years ago today, the first season of Futurama begins airing on Fox).

   As is possible with any app, Timehop isn't without it's own share of hiccups at the moment. For example, some users have reported issues with the Twitter log in, although I had no issue with it. However, I have noticed that although I'm logged into Instagram it has yet to show me any of my historical posts from there. I'm not sure if it's just coincidental, in that I may simply not have posted anything on Instagram on any of the past 2 days that I've been running the app.

   I wouldn't necessarily categorize Timehop as a "Must Have App", but it is a pretty cool app worth checking out!

Timehop is available for Android via Google Play, and in the App Store on iTunes for Apple devices.