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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Must Have App - 500 Firepaper

 I'm not a fanatic about it, but I must admit - I love a nice wallpaper on my mobile devices! So, I search and finally decide on a beautiful wallpaper that I love....for about a month or so. Then, I'm back to square one - looking for that ultimate wallpaper for my mobile devices.

500 Firepaper to the rescue! This must-have app does all the work for you. It pulls beautiful, high-quality photos from at update intervals that you set (30 seconds, 1,2,5,10,15 or 30 minutes, or 1 hour) and automatically sets them as your wallpaper. In fact, there are quite a few cool settings included -

  • You can display all images in black and white
  • Change the categories of pictures to pull from
  • Adjust the brightness
...and more!

What if a wallpaper shows up that you don't like? NO PROBLEM! Simply tap the wallpaper with three fingers and 500 Firepaper will load a new image!

 So, if you're like me and like to have a great wallpaper on your mobile devices, but want to have an easy way to keep it fresh, 500 Firepaper is a must have app! 

 One word of caution - I would strongly advise parents of children with mobile devices to proceed with caution with this one. Every available category may not be suitable for the kiddies (specifically, there is a "Nude" category). Not that any of these categories are distasteful in any manner, but I think it's worth a mention to avoid any shock or surprises.

500 Firepaper can be downloaded for Android devices via Google Play.